Understanding Our Innate Need for Connection relationships trust Mar 22, 2024

From the moment we are born, trust plays a vital role in our lives. As infants, we instinctively trust our caregivers to provide for our basic needs, such as food and comfort. This early trust forms the foundation for our emotional development and shapes our ability to form healthy relationships...

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How to Spot Unsafe People Mar 20, 2024

We all want to surround ourselves with safe, supportive people who have our best interests at heart. But sometimes, it can be challenging to discern between those who are truly safe and those who may be unsafe for our emotional and mental well-being. In this post, we'll explore some key warning...

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Are the People in Your Life Helping or Hurting You? relationships Mar 18, 2024

The relationships we have can either lift us up or drag us down. While we all need close connections with others, sometimes the people we let into our lives end up causing more pain than support. How can you tell if someone is good for you or not? And what red flags should you watch out for?


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Truth and Love boundaries communication emotions personal growth relationships Mar 15, 2024

In every relationship, whether it's personal or professional, two essential elements must be present: love and truth. Love encompasses care, kindness, and compassion, while truth represents reality, expectations, limits, and values. For a relationship to thrive, both love and truth must coexist...

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Removing the Log From Your Own Eye bible projection psychology transference Mar 13, 2024

You might be amazed at how often the Bible and psychology find themselves in perfect agreement. Matthew 7:3-5 gives us some very direct advice: first get the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. This powerful message was later...

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Don't Cover for Someone Else's Irresponsibility codependency people pleasing relationships Mar 11, 2024

Proverbs 6:1-3 warns against becoming security for your neighbor's debt. The broader lesson is to avoid taking responsibility for behavior of others that you cannot control. When you agree to co-sign a loan or vouch for someone, you make yourself liable for the consequences of their potential...

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Strategies Against Controlling Relationships relationships Mar 08, 2024

In navigating the complexities of difficult relationships, a recurring challenge many encounter is dealing with controlling relationships. Such relationships, where one party seeks to dominate or dictate the actions and decisions of another, can significantly impede personal growth and happiness....

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Recognizing Different Types of Narcissism and Knowing What To Do narcissism relationships Mar 06, 2024

Narcissism, a term that spans a wide spectrum from what may sometimes appear as simple, healthy self-confidence to pathological Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), encompasses a variety of behaviors characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive attention...

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9 Benefits of Setting Healthy Boundaries boundaries personal growth relationships self-confidence well-being Mar 04, 2024

In a world where the lines between personal space and external demands often blur, setting healthy boundaries emerges as a pivotal skill for mental and emotional well-being. Boundaries are not just barriers; they are the expression of self-respect and a declaration of our needs and values. This...

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How to Replace The Critical Voices in Your Head criticism negative thinking self-confidence self-talk stress Mar 01, 2024

The more we learn about dysfunction, the more we recognize these patterns within ourselves. This awareness compels us to change, leveraging our understanding for self-improvement. It's a gateway to personal growth.

A crucial aspect of this transformation involves confronting the self-talk...

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How Automatic Thoughts Can Create Negative Thinking Patterns anxiety fear negative thinking thinking Feb 28, 2024

Our thoughts have a profound impact on our feelings, behaviors, and overall mental health. While it's widely accepted that our thoughts can shape our emotions, the reverse is also true: our feelings can generate thoughts. This complex interplay highlights the intricacy of human psychology and...

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Self-Confidence Comes From These Practices boundaries self-confidence strengths Feb 26, 2024

The journey to self-confidence is more akin to cultivating a garden than flipping a switch. It requires patience, consistent effort, and a nurturing environment free from judgment. At its core, self-confidence is not about believing you can do everything perfectly but about trusting in your...

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