Loneliness is Worse For You Than You May Realize Jul 07, 2023

Loneliness is a universal experience that affects individuals across all stages of life. It is a profound feeling of isolation and disconnection, often accompanied by emotional pain. Despite its prevalence, loneliness is often overlooked or dismissed as a trivial issue. However, it is important...

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What Are Your Marriage's Values? Jul 05, 2023

The age-old saying, 'what you value is what you're going to get' holds immense significance when applied to marriages. It's the individual values we embrace early on in the marriage that become the cornerstone for a fulfilling relationship. In essence, values, which carry weight and...

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What Needs to End In Order For You To Grow? Jul 03, 2023

Life is composed of an intricate sequence of seasons and transitions, and with each turn, we are presented with new challenges, opportunities, and, at times, necessary endings. This notion of a 'necessary ending' is a concept we all grapple with at various junctures in our lives. Be it a personal...

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Using Mindfulness to Combat Anxiety May 26, 2023

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that helps us be present in the moment, enabling us to fully embrace our internal and external experiences without judgment or attachment. This practice allows us to separate our mind from our brain, giving us control over the anxiety and fear that can otherwise...

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Ask Yourself These 3 Questions About Stress In Your Life May 24, 2023

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it's not always negative. In fact, it can activate our entire system, pushing us to grow and perform better. However, too much stress can lead to negative effects on our health and well-being. To better understand and manage the stress in your life, ask...

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5 Questions to Ask About the Way You Think May 22, 2023

Thinking is a powerful element in our clinical well-being, relationships, and performance. It plays a significant role in how we feel, how we interact with others, and whether we can achieve our dreams. Just like a computer, our brain is the hardware, and our thinking is the software that runs...

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Boundaries Don't Have to Mean Cutting Someone Off May 19, 2023

Boundaries often get a bad rap. Some people misunderstand their purpose and assume that setting boundaries is about selfishness, cutting people off, or ending relationships. But that's not the case. Boundaries are in the service of love and relationships. They are about creating an environment in...

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Are Your Boundaries in Conflict? May 17, 2023

We often struggle with identifying boundary conflicts within ourselves, and to understand why, we need to remember what a boundary is. A boundary is a property line that helps you take ownership and control of yourself, not other people. It's about self-control. So why would saying no to...

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Boundaries and Adaptation to Others May 15, 2023

One of the fundamental aspects of a healthy relationship is the ability to adapt to one another. Adapting is essential because, as individuals, we are accustomed to doing whatever we want, whenever we want. But when we enter into a relationship, we must learn to accommodate another person in our...

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Are you able to trust yourself? May 12, 2023

Developing the ability to trust yourself is an essential aspect of personal growth and success in life. Trusting yourself is about understanding your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and the type of people you're attracted to in various areas of life. This includes romantic relationships,...

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Do You Have Narcissism Radar? May 10, 2023

The best way to fix the problem is to not have it to begin with. This statement rings true when it comes to protecting ourselves from forming unhealthy relationships with narcissists. The goal is not to avoid all narcissists entirely, as they can often be fun, creative, and hilarious friends....

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Codependency Deprives You of Selfhood May 08, 2023

The concept of 'selfhood' is not as abstract as it may seem. When psychologists discuss the self, they refer to the subjective experience encompassing all the objective aspects of an individual. It's the sensation of being you, the intricate combination of your skin, frame, heart, and soul. But...

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