Many of us live our entire lives surrounded by barbed wire without any trees to break our fall. We try to pick safe, loving, faithful friends and spouses. And over and over again, we become disappointed and discouraged.
God created us to hunger and thirst for love, because love is our fuel. And...
One of the most important aspects of your character in life, without question, is one’s ability to confront. It is true that you get what you tolerate. If the nature of reality is that there are always problems, if you do not confront them and instead tolerate them, then problems are what...
I was speaking to parents one time about raising kids with successful character. In the Q and A a woman raised her hand and asked, “If you could tell parents what the one thing is that is most important to teach their kids about success, what would it be?”
“I would teach them...
If we are afraid of the truth about ourselves and have a character “stance” to hide, then we are headed in the wrong direction, away from reality. Think of the character issues that get in the way and create this kind of fear:
- Fear of seeing that I am wrong or have faults that are...
Connection and trust happen when one heart meets another. Invalidation wipes out the other heart and closes it off. Think of the contexts of life that change when a person has the ability to connect with someone else. In business, deals are won and sales are made. In personal relationships,...
Researchers write that, when it comes to how people look at their work, there are three kinds of people:
- Those who see their work as a “job,” with its main purpose being to provide a living
- Those who see their work as a “career,” with the main purpose of advancement...
Every single day, happy people are thinking thoughts that help them to be happy, and unhappy people do the opposite. I’ll add a disclaimer here that I am, once again, not speaking about people with clinical reasons for their depression. I am speaking to people whose unhappiness is caused by...
It probably sounds pretty obvious to say it, but many unhappy people desire to be happy. They want it, but they don’t always do the things that will make it happen.The potential for happiness walks by each and every day, and they don’t notice it, or they don’t take the steps to...
Your heart is an organ designed to have life flowing through it. Your mind is like that as well, as is your soul. They are not meant to be stagnant, with things buried in them, stuck there and not moving into the light of the outside world.
But to get to the outside visible world, those desires...
I have a question for you. In your opinion, what is the formula for destroying relationships?
If you are like most people, you can probably think of a few ways to make them worse:
Don’t pay attention
Those are all good suggestions, and they would probably be pretty effective,...
Something happens to the openness and intimacy of a relationship’s early seasons. The two people slowly stop communicating what they really think and feel, and they slowly get further and further away from each other emotionally. Their hearts either settle into a partial intimacy or a...
Here is a misconception that many people seem to hold. It stems from trying to solve an age-old math problem the wrong way. It looks like this:
½ person + ½ person = 1 whole person
Here is this wrong point of view stated another way: “I am incomplete as a person, and you are...