7 Ways to Reclaim Your Power Oct 09, 2020

In some senses, I hate to even use the word "power." It seems hackneyed, like we are going back to the eighties. Power ties, power lunches, power suits. The last thing I want to sound like it one of those motivational speaker types telling you to find the power within. So accept my disclaimer....

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Recover Well From Divorce - A Live Webinar with Dr. Henry Cloud Oct 08, 2020

There is hope to heal from the pain and grief of divorce. You can trust again. You can recover all of the good that you lost, and more. Take this step to make the rest of your life the best years of your life.

Recover Well From Divorce is a live online event where you'll experience 2 hours...

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You Can Create Separateness from Your Mom and Thrive Oct 08, 2020

Julia was in her early 30s when she began discussing the ideas of separateness, differences, and boundaries with her mother. It wasn’t easy at first: Mom thought Julia was rejecting her as a person. But they both persevered in the relationship. Mom agreed to respond to Julia’s truth...

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How to Break the Pattern of Enabling a Spouseā€™s Addiction, Behavior Oct 07, 2020

Emily came into therapy because of “panic attacks.” Her husband’s increased drinking was causing problems at home. She tried to be loving and supportive, but this was doing no good; it was making matters worse.

She had begun to read some books on setting limits on abusive...

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When to Take the Risks that are Worth it Sep 29, 2020

Do you ever let your fears hold you back? Of course you do, we all do. Maybe if we were a bit more honest about our fears, we wouldn't have to be prisoners to them. Fear is a mechanism that allows us to avoid stuff that is unknown, scary, unpleasant or hard. Fears can be painful, and I'm not...

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Passive-Aggressive Habit Thatā€™s Bad for Relationships Sep 29, 2020

You have seen it happen, or maybe even had it directed at you. The digging or critical comment about someone, only to be followed up with, “bless her heart.” Or, a chuckle, or “ha ha” or “LOL.” I was recently asked why people do that, and why they feel it is OK...

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Honoring vs. Obeying - How to Set the Boundary With Your Parents Sep 28, 2020

Ben was 30 years old when I met him. He came into my office burdened by the opinions of what his parents thought of his life choices. It sounds crass on the surface, but one of the first things I told him to do was to “grow up and get a life.” But the problem with this common phrase...

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The Reason Your Dating Life isn't Going Well Sep 28, 2020

Single life is a mixed bag for many of us. Some people like to be unattached and play the field, while others just want to curl up with someone and binge watch TV shows on Netflix.

If you're unhappily single, I've got something to tell you. A friend of mine and her husband seem like a perfect...

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Have Trouble Enforcing Your Boundaries? Hereā€™s How You Do It. Sep 27, 2020

Wouldn’t it be nice if, when we confronted someone, it ended positively each time? Wouldn’t it be nice if every time you confronted a hurtful person, he or she realized what they did wrong, and you could go on? Of course it would.

That’s not always the case, is it. So, now what...

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Having No Boundaries with Family can have Negative Effects on Marriage Sep 27, 2020

Our families of origin are a place of familiarity to us. It’s where we form our habits and patterns, and what we grew up knowing is how we make decisions about our future. However, when we’re not able to separate ourselves from our families of origins, we often run into boundary...

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Expose Your Past and Heal to Move Forward Sep 26, 2020

Have you ever had someone tell you, “The past is in the past. It shouldn’t have any power over you”?

That’s not entirely true. The things we would say are “in our past” are really part of our present.

People have hurt us, and we have hurt people. We have...

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Get Daily Coaching From Dr. Henry Cloud Sep 22, 2020

If you've been tuning in to The Dr. Cloud Show, you've heard me talk about building a herd immunity against dysfunction, and what I mean by that is I'm passionate about creating a community of people who are committed to learning and growing and experiencing the fruits of life by doing the hard...

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